Empuriabrava & Castelló d' Empuries

1/2 Day

Castelló d’Empúries, a village dated in the ninth century, became during the Middle Ages a flourishing town since it was converted into the county capital of Empúries.

From that period date the most important buildings and streets of the monument district, that have kept the traditional appearance, like porticoed squares, Bordell Street, the handicrafts districts and the ‘Call’ or Jewish quarter, reminiscences from the medieval town planning.

Land of Troubadors

Especially worth mentioning is the “Terra de Trobadors” Festival, which evokes the days of the Castelló medieval, both in popular aspect (Medieval market, feast-days march around the streets) and cultural aspect (talks, troubadour music concerts). In these days, the town offers one the chance to relive certain sensations of  the capital of the county of Empúries.


The modern marina of Empuriabrava is the residential area of Castelló d’Empúries, located near the historic town.

Over 7.000 m of wide sandy beaches and 24 km of navigable canals, Empuriabrava has a peculiar design, a wide range of sea and air sports and a complete sport harbour. If one takes into consideration the range of leisure activities and accommodation on offer, it is the ideal place to spend the holidays or set up house.  


The other important offer of the municipality of Castelló d’Empúries is the extension of the Natural Park of Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, with 4,78 hectares, between Rodes mountains to the north and Fluvià River to the south.

Because of its geographic location the marshes has become an important stop and rest point for thousands of birds that make long travels of intercontinental migration between the north of Africa and Europe. Actually, one can observe 324 species of birds and almost 80 nidify regularly.

The most important species of water birds are bittern (Botaurus stellaris), purple heron (Ardea purpurea), marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), roller (Coracias garrulus) or lesser greyschrike (Lanius minor), besides other species of marshes fauna and vegetation

